Saturday, August 22, 2009

The run to Arizona

Good morning to all. It is Sat. aug 22.
I will try not to bore you as the trip so far has been just alot of driving. In my efforts to get somewhere at a prescribed time I find myself in a hurry and it really is unnecessary. The drive across the desert was quite nice as I had mild temps and calm winds. The mountains in northern AZ. proved to be the real chaiienge and I am having some temperature issues. Not to big a real right now but it needs to be addressed before I leave Flagstaff. Not a bad place to hold up. I did a valve adjust and am now on a parts quest this morning.


  1. good to see that you've made it AZ.. I hope you get the temp issues worked out. Cant wait to see more as the trip progresses.

  2. Just checking up on the trip. Most people like taking trips to find parts for there vehicle when they go on vacation.LOL Hope you make the best of it.KWPjr.
